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Dr. Kirstin Wingler

Maastricht University
Dept. Pharmacology
6229 ER Maastricht

Tel. +31 43 3882108
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Research Interests

  • NO signalling in health and disease
  • eNOS uncoupling and therapeutical re-coupling  Oxidative modifications of NO receptor, sGC  Redox homeostasis  Cardiovascular pharmacology

Selected Recent Publications

  • Gielis J.F., Lin J.Y., Wingler K., Van Schil P.E., Schmidt H.H.H.W.,  Moens A.L.: Pathogenetic role of eNOS uncoupling in cardiopulmonary  disorders. Free Radic Biol Med, 2011; 50:765-76
  • Wingler K., Hermans J., Schiffers P., Moens A.L., Paul M., Schmidt H.H.H.W.: NOX 1, 2, 4, 5: Counting out oxidative stress. Br J  Pharmacol,  2011; 164:866-883
  • Octavia Y., Wingler K., Schmidt H.H.H.W., Moens A.L.: Endothelial  dysfunction after right coronary artery remodeling: a new pathogenetic  role of eNOS uncoupling? J Appl Physiol, 2011; 111:329




POLICY STATEMENT: Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences Action BM1005 is funded by COST, through its implementing agent the European Science Foundation.