Vesna Otašević (maiden Petrović)
Research associate
Institute for Biological Research
“Siniša Stanković”
Department of Physiology
University of Belgrade
Bulevar despota Stefana 142,
11060 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2078 307
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Interests
Investigation of molecular mechanisms of gasotransmiters (NO, CO and H2S), as well as reactive nitrogen and oxygen species action in regulation of fundamental cellular processes - proliferation, hyperplasia, angiogenesis, mitochondriogenesis in pathological and physiological states, as well as during adaptation to specific environmental conditions. Current research interest is investigation of gasotransmiters function in human reproduction; have just applied new therapeutic approaches using novel NO content modulators in the treatment of metabolic disorders, as well as infertile states accompanied by mitochondrial impairments and/or disturbed sperm redox-state.
Selected Recent Publications
- Otašević V., Korać A., Buzadžić B., Stančić A., Janković A. and Korać B. (2011) Nitric oxide and thermogenesis - challenge in molecular cell physiology. Front. Biosci. S3: 1180-1195.
- Petrović V., Buzadžić B., Korać A., Vasilijević A., Janković A. and Korać B. (2010) NO modulates the molecular basis of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 152: 147-159.
- Petrović V., Buzadžić B., Korać A., Vasilijević A., Janković A. and Korać B. (2009) L-arginine supplementation induces glutathione synthesis in interscapular brown adipose tissue through activation of glutamate-cysteine ligase expression: The role of nitric oxide. Chem. Biol. Interact., 182: 204-212.