Olga Pechánová, RNDr, PhD, DSc.
Director of INPP SAS
Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology,
Slovak Academy of Sciences (INPP SAS),
Sienkiewiczova 1,
813 71 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic
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Research Interests
The study is focused on the analysis of imbalance in the production of nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and angiotensin II in different models of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, hypertension and metabolic syndrome particularly. The signaling and pathophysiological roles of NF-kappaB-dependent pathways in these disorders are studied. In vivo and in vitro experiments are carried out to analyze the molecular mechanisms of different antihypertensive compounds and new drugs and their impact on physiological and morphological alterations in the heart, vessels and kidney.
Selected Recent Publication
- Pechanova O, Simko F. The role of nuclear factor kappa B and nitric oxide interaction in heart remodelling. J Hypertens. 2010 Sep;28(S1):S39-44.
- Pechanova O, Kunes J, Dobesova Z, Vrankova S, Zicha J. Contribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase to N-acetylcysteine-induced increase of NO synthase activity in the brain of normotensive and hypertensive rats. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2009 Dec;60(4):21-5.
- Pechánová O, Jendeková L, Vranková S. Effect of chronic apocynin treatment on nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species production in borderline and spontaneous hypertension. Pharmacol Rep. 2009 Jan-Feb;61(1):116-22.