Biology of Cytoprotection Lab
Biology of Cytoprotection Lab
Edificio LAO - Campus IGC
Rua da Quinta Grande 6
2780-156 Oeiras
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Phone: 351 21 4464548
Fax: 351 21 4421161
Research interests
The main objective is to understand the cellular and biochemical pathways involved in carbon monoxide-induced cytoprotection against cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, by using neural cell cultures and in vivo approaches. Cytoprotection is studied in a transversal manner by integrating the analysis of: cell death control (apoptosis and necrosis), metabolic shifts, autophagy and cellular differentiation.
Selected Publications
Queiroga C.S.F., Almeida A.S., Alves P.M., Brenner C. and Vieira H.L.A. Carbon monoxide prevents hepatic mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, BMC Cell Biology, 2011 Mar 9; 12, 10.
Vieira H.L.A., Alves P.M. and Vercelli A., Modulation of neuronal stem cell differentiation by hypoxia and reactive oxygen species, Progress in Neurobiology, 2011; 93:444-55.
Queiroga C.S.F., Almeida A.S., Martel C., Brenner C., Alves P.M. and Vieira H.L.A., Glutathionylation of adenine nucleotide translocase induced by carbon monoxide prevents mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and apoptosis”, J Biol Chem 2010, 28;285:17077-88.
Banenberg G.L. and Vieira H.L.A., Therapeutic applications of the gaseous mediators carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide, Expert Opin Ther Patents, 2009; 19: 663-682.
Vieira H.L.A., Queiroga C.S.F. and Alves P.M., Preconditioning induced by carbon monoxide provides neuronal protection against apoptosis, J Neurochem, 2008; 107:375-84.